Anglický rejstřík: I

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I beg your pardon
I bet ...
I can tell you
I can't but ...
I couldn't care less
I couldn't care less about ...
I don't care
I don't give a damn
I don't give a monkey's
I don't give two hoots
I don't know about the rest of you, but ...
I don't know about you, but ...
I don't like the looks of it
I don't like the sound of it
I don't think so
I feel like ...
I grant you ...
I guess so
I have a bone to pick with you
I have a bus to catch
I have a plane to catch
I have a train to catch
I kid you not!
I learned ...
I like to think that ...
I mean ...
I mean no offence
I mean no offense
I rest my case
I should hope so
I should think ...
I stand corrected
I tell you what ...
I think ...
I think not
I think so
I thought it was ...
I want you to meet ...
I was wondering ...
I will see you ...
I wish ...
I wish you'd ...
I wonder ...
I wonder if you could ...
I won't be long
I would imagine ...
I wouldn't be surprised if ...
I wouldn't know
I'd like to believe that ...
I'd like to think that ...
I'd love to ...
identify with ...
idle away
idle something away
idle talk
if anything
if anything should happen
if desired
if I had my druthers ...
if it wasn't for ...
if it weren't for ...
if it's any comfort
if it's any consolation ...
if my memory serves me right
if necessary
if needed
if only ...
if possible
if required
if that is the case ...
if that's all right with you
if that's okay with you
if there's anything you don't understand ...
if you ...
if you ask me ...
if you can
if you don't mind me asking
if you don't mind me saying so
if you don't mind my asking
if you don't mind my saying so
if you ever change your mind ...
if you insist
if you like
if you please
if you say so
if you want to ...
if you will
ignorance is not a valid defence
ignorance of the law is no excuse
I'll be a monkey's uncle!
I'll be bound
I'll be happy to ...
I'll be with you ...
I'll give you that
I'll have ...
I'll make a deal with you
I'll meet you ...
I'll say!
I'll tell you that
I'll tell you what ...
I'm afraid ...
I'm afraid so
I'm dying to ...
I'm guessing that ...
I'm not falling for that one!
I'm pleased to ...
I'm ready when you are
I'm ready whenever you are
I'm so sorry!
I'm sorry
I'm sorry to hear that
I'm tired of ...
I'm unclear ...
impose a ban on ...
impress on the mind of ...
impute blame to ...
in ... increments
in attendance
in dribs and drabs
in other words
in return
is it necessary?
in a big way
in a bit
in a concert
in a daze
in a dramatic way
in a fever of excitement
in a flash
in a good way
in a heartbeat
in a hit-or-miss manner
in a hurry
in a jiffy
in a little bit
in a low voice
in a lying position
in a manner of speaking
in a minute
in a moment
in a month's time
in a northerly direction
in a nutshell
in a pinch
in a remote corner of ...
in a roundabout way
in a row
in a sale
in a sense
in a serious vein
in a similar vein
in a small way
in a southerly direction
in a split second
in a stage whisper
in a standing position
in a stew
in a strict sense
in a subtle way
in a timely fashion
in a timely manner
in a trice
in a way
in a week's time
in a westerly direction
in a year's time
in advance
in advance of ...
in aid of ...
in all kinds of ways
in all likelihood
in all probability
in all seriousness
in all ways
in an attempt to ...
in an easterly direction
in an effort to ...
in an instant
in another direction
in any case
in any event
in apple-pie order
in appreciation
in behalf of ...
in between
in black and white
in brief
in broad daylight
in broad terms
in capital letters
in capitals
in case ...
in case of ...
in close-up
in cold blood
in commemoration of ...
in common with ...
in comparison with ...
in concert
in conjunction
in consequence ...
in consideration of ...
in contrast to ...
in defiance of ...
in delight
in depth
in difficult straits
in dire straits
in disgust
in droves
in due course
in each case
in early ...
in effect
in either case
in either event
in every way
in exchange for ...
in fact
in favor of ...
in favour of ...
in fits and starts
in for a penny, in for a pound
in full
in full flow
in full leaf
in full swing
in full view of ...
in future
in general
in good time
in hand
in height
in hock
in honor of ...
in honour of ...
in hope of ...
in itself
in late ...
in later life
in later years  
in leaps and bounds
in length
in less than ...
in lieu of ...
in light of ...
in lower case
in lower-case letters
in many ways
in mid-flight
in mid-sentence
in midstream
in mint condition
in mitigation
in moderation
in my book ...
in my experience ...
in my judgement ...
in my judgment ...
in my opinion ...
in my professional judgement ...
in my professional judgment ...
in my view ...
in name only
in no time
in no way
in one go
in one month's time
in one sitting
in one way of looking at it
in one way or another
in one week's time
in one year's time
in one's bare feet
in one's birthday suit
in one's defence
in one's defense
in one's mind's eye
in one's own doorway
in one's own time
in order
in order for ... to ...
in order for me to ...
in order for us to ...
in order for you to ...
in order of ...
in order that ...
in order to ...
in other words
in our midst
in part exchange
in place
in place of ...
in plenty of time
in preference to ...
in pursuit
in recognition of ...
in reference to ...
in regard to ...
in relation to ...
in reply ...
in reply to one's question ...
in respect of ...
in respect to ...
in response to ...
in retrospect
in return
in return for ...
in reverse
in round figures
in shame
in short
in sickness and in health
in sight
in simple terms
in single file
in some ... or another
in some fashion
in some measure
in some way
in some ways
in someone's behalf
in someone's place
in spite of ...
in spite of the fact that ...
in style
in support of ...
in surrender
in tears
in terms of ...
in that case
in that event
in the act
in the aftermath of ...
in the amount of ...
in the back
in the back of one's mind
in the bag
in the balance
in the bargain
in the blink of an eye
in the course of ...
in the course of time
in the dark
in the daytime
in the dead of night
in the direction of ...
in the early ...
in the early days
in the end
in the evening
in the event of ...
in the extreme
in the face of ...
in the first place
in the flesh
in the following way
in the footsteps of ...
in the foreseeable future
in the front
in the future
in the good old days
in the heat of the moment
in the hope of ...
in the immediate aftermath of ...
in the interests of ...
in the interim
in the interval
in the know
in the last resort
in the late ...
in the least
in the light of ...
in the long run
in the long term
in the manner of ...
in the meantime
in the meanwhile
in the midst of ...
in the morning
in the mornings
in the name of ...
in the nick of time
in the offing
in the old days
in the open
in the open air
in the open countryside
in the open sea
in the opposite direction
in the ordinary way
in the other direction
in the past
in the process
in the raw
in the rear of ...
in the region of ...
in the right place at the right time
in the sale
in the same way
in the sense that ...
in the short run
in the short term
in the soup
in the space of ...
in the very beginning
in the very next moment
in the view of ...
in the wake of ...
in the wet
in their midst
in themselves
in this case
in this day and age
in this respect
in those days
in time
in triplicate
in truth
in turn
in two
in two months' time
in two pieces
in two weeks' time
in two years' time
in view
in view of the fact that ...
in virtue of ...
in wet conditions
in width
in working condition
inasmuch as ...
inch by inch
independent of each other
initiate someone into the mysteries of ...
ins and outs
insist on ...
insist that ...
instantly when ...
instead of ...
instinct for self-preservation
instrumental case
interesting looking
interrupt someone mid-sentence
into the bargain
introduce someone to the delights of ...
irregardless of ...
irrespective of ...
is anybody's guess
is anyone's guess
is being constructed
is easier said than done
is in the works
is it just me or ...
is just a few ... away
is one thing, but ... is another
is said to ...
is that a fact?
isn't it?
isn't there?
issue a denial of ...
issue an arrest warrant for ...
it almost seems as if ...
it beats me
it can't be helped
it depends
it doesn't matter
it gives me ...
it goes to show ...
it goes without saying
it goes without saying that ...
it has been ...
it has been known to ...
it is ...
it is argued that ...
it is believed that ...
it is common practice ...
it is generally accepted that ...
it is my conviction that ...
it is my understanding that ...
it is of interest to note that ...
it is possible to ...
it is rumored that ...
it is rumoured that ...
it is said that ...
it is to be expected
it makes me feel ...
it makes me feel sick to my stomach
it makes me sick
it makes me sick to my stomach
it may be, that ...
it may come in handy
it remains to be seen ...
it says here that ...
it serves you right!
it sounds like ...
it stands to reason that ...
it strikes me odd that ...
it takes a while
it takes one to know one
it turns out that ...
it was just my luck ...
it was my understanding that ...
it was not my intention ...
it wasn't until ... that ...
it will come out in the wash
it will work out somehow
it won't be long
it won't wash
it would be greatly appreciated
it wouldn't hurt ...
it's a bargain
it's a case of ...
it's a deal
it's a good idea to ...
it's a long story
it's a no-go
it's a pleasure to meet you
it's about time
it's all Greek to me
it's all the same to me
it's all very well to ...
it's all yours
it's an honor to ...
it's an honour to ...
it's anybody's guess
it's anyone's guess
it's as good as it gets
it's as simple as that
it's been ...
it's been known to ...
it's business as usual
it's common knowledge that ...
it's fair to say ...
it's hardly surprising ...
its immediate aftermath
it's impossible to ...
it's in the nature of things
it's just a figure of speech
it's just a thought
it's just as well that ...
it's just the luck of the draw
it's little wonder ...
it's my first time ...
it's my thinking that ...
it's no bother
it's no go
it's no wonder ...
it's none of your business
it's none of your concern
it's not a big deal
it's not as though ...
it's not clear to me ...
it's not doing any harm
it's not like you ...
it's not surprising ...
it's OK
it's past bedtime for you
it's probably just as well
it's safe to assume ...
it's safe to say ...
it's someone's birthday
it's time ...
it's time for ... to ...
it's time that ...
it's time to ...
it's too bad that ...
it's too much of a good thing
it's up to you to decide ...
it's your call
it's your move
it's your turn
it's yours for the asking

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